
Wednesday, September 21, 2005

IDD 410 - Ch. 3 and New and Improved Mission Statements

Ch 3.

1.“Web sites are designed to help you achieve your goals; getting information, completing a transaction, and so on. You shouldn’t have to realearn how to use the Web every time you visit a new Web site.” Pg 84
2. By optimizing the pages of the site for quick download time, it will decrease the time the audience has to wait.
3. The audience doesn’t have hours to view a website. Websites need to be designed for those with a small attention span.
4. The primary means of interaction on the Web is navigation.
5. Many sites have pages that include too much content which can impair the audience’s ability to get the gist of the page.
6. Websites need to be accessible to a wide demographic of viewers.
7. A page that tells the audience a site has moved is better than having a “file not found” error.
8. It is important to know what level of web browsing technology to use.
9. Some factors that contribute to download time are: page size, large images, multimedia files and so on.
10. To minimize file size of web pages, optimize images, use external script files, reduce images, optimize code.

Hurricane Katrina Mission Statement
My site for Hurricane Katrina will be dedicated to the victims of the hurricane. The site will provide information for the survivors. There will be a message board of sorts where they can tell their stories. The goal is to provide a website for the people affected by the tragedy. The purpose is to have a website for those of the Gulf Coast if they need help. It will be organized simply, not too flashy and with solid somber colors.

Personal Page Mission Statement
My personal page will be used to showcase my portfolio. It will include work I have done over the past 4 years. It will color but will not be too flashy. My resume and a short biography will also be included on the website. The goal is to show the work I have done in one concise website. The purpose is for others to look at my work all in one place. It will be organized according to different genres of art.


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