
Sunday, February 27, 2005

IDD 300- Super Size Me

This week I looked at the menu interface for the 2004 documentary, Super Size Me. It was an interesting movie, but I don’t think the interface was as impressive as it could have been.
There are six elements on the menu screen. There is a bloated Ronald McDonald face which pops in intermently around the corners of the screen. The top of the screen has the title; Super Size Me: A Film of Epic Proportions. In the upper left hand corner is a slideshow of illness people can develop as a result of eating high fat foods, such as those found in fast food meals. Insulin resistance, asthma, coronary heart disease, breast cancer, and colon cancer are just a few of the illnesses shown.
Below the slideshow are four rectangles with a fast food meal. These are the navigation buttons. Play, Chapters, Bonus, and Set Up are the options viewers can choose from. I was viewing this on my computer and the mouse arrow would go over the box, but it would not light up. I would have to move the mouse well outside the box for it to highlight to a maroon color and let me click it.
To the right of the menu options is a continuous loop video of the man who is making the documentary, Morgan Spurlock eating his value meal. He is sitting at a table with a large McDonald’s soda, a salad and he is eating a burger. There is a person walking around in the kitchen behind him.
Above the video there is a cartoon picture of Morgan and Ronald McDonald staring at each other with mean faces. It depicts Morgan vs. McDonalds in his fight to prove that McDonalds and fast food in general is related to obesity.
When I did click to view the bonus features, and viewed the deleated scenes, I couldn’t find my way back to the main menu. I had to restart the disc to return to the main menu so I could play the movie.
The sound while the menu is playing is a catchy little jingle “Super size super size the American way….”
Overall I wasn’t very impressed with the interface. Then again, it was a documentary and that normally means not a very large budget.


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