IDD 480 - Next stop: The Real World....
In chapter eleven of Careers by Design, Roz Goldfarb discusses the dreaded words: finding a job. Dun dun dun. College is at “last call” and its time to find a job in the real world. “Although few people enjoy a job search, the guidelines in this book will point the way not only to a goal but also to a process in which the collateral benefits are educational, informative, and enriching (109).”
So occasionally now, I will or another similar site to search for different job openings. I look, yes but I don’t really dig deep and search. I just like to ponder a little bit.
A first impression is a lasting impression whether it is in a social setting or a professional/business setting. When you present yourself to a person you don’t know, you send them different vibes about who you are. With that said, you have to know who you are and what you want out of certain situations. The questions posed on page 111 are:
-What am I best at?
-Is what I’m best at what I think I want to do?
-Am I sure about what kind of work I want to do?
-Where do I want to do it?
-Who do I want to do it for?
-What kind of position do I eventually want to hold, or do I want to own my own firm?
Well…based on those questions I have no idea who I am or what I want to be when I grow up. But since that is not really a good answer for either a social or business setting, I’m sure I can answer some of the questions posed. Number 4: Where do I want to do it? One word answer: Disney. Doing what? I don’t care. And number 6: what kind of position…well see, I went on a Behind the Scenes tour this past Thanksgiving and they have a board, literal bulletin board which has the Partners in Excellence award. Granted I’d like to also marryPrince William….but hey, who knows what will happen.
Roz also brings up the possibility of rejection. Yeah, its happened, and yeah it stinks. I was pretty upset the first few days after finding out I didn’t get into the WDW college program, but I got over it. And if I had gone, I wouldn’t have had the summer I had. Things happen when you least expect them to and I just try to remember, “All the pieces fall into place eventually. Until then, just laugh at the confusion, live in the moment, and know that everything happens for a reason.”
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