
Sunday, September 05, 2004

IDD 250- Interactivity

Dictionary.com describes interactive in the following way:
in·ter·ac·tive adj.
Acting or capable of acting on each other.
Computer Science. Of or relating to a program that responds to user activity.
Of, relating to, or being a form of television entertainment in which the signal activates electronic apparatus in the viewer's home or the viewer uses the apparatus to affect events on the screen, or both.

Over the past week I have paid close attention to my so called “interactiveness.” At the movies, I had to pay a person who gave me a ticket. After the movie got under way, I “interacted” with the characters. They said something funny, I laughed. Super Nintendo was unearthed from boxes this week. I played Super Mario Bros. (and lost) many times. I controlled their actions on the screen. There is one thing that is connected to me in a sense that is interactive in the medical way. I have an Medtronic ICD (implantable cardioverter defibrillator and pacemaker) in my chest. If my heart beats too fast or too slow it will shock me into a normal rhythm. Of course though, the most common form of interactive I partake in is the internet and instant messaging. I’m at my computer for a good part of the day mindlessly surfing the ‘net and chatting to friends.


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